Bright and fun orange

The sun has been shining for several days now and our mind is drifting into spring modus. And so we thought, why should we not bring the beautiful orange color of the sun into our interiors? It will feel a bit warmer, no? “Orange” is not the color advice you expect from those who swear by white […]
Tiny Bathroom?

If you intend to build a small house, it’s crucial to plan extremely well the layout of the house! A bathroom of 4,6 square meters, so we had to puzzle to get both requirements, a comfortable shower for the son and a relaxing bath top for the daughter, without it becoming too claustrophobic. The first […]
Relaxing in Italian Design

Because of our busy lives, we look for opportunities to enjoy our little spare time. Doesn’t everyone dream of being completely zen at home? We experience an increase in requests to design a lounge room. We will create a room with comfortable seats and ensure adapted color temperature. The right mood light and the right […]